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Frank Lennon

Connected Farming: The Rise of Smart Agriculture

Smart agriculture, is an innovative farming approach that integrates advanced technology and data analytics to…

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Frank Lennon

Satellite IoT – The sky ISN’T the limit

Advances in satellite constellations and their ground transceivers are lowering satellite connectivity costs, enabling new…

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Frank Lennon

Building Truly Global Cellular Connected Products

The motivation for a single cellular connected product SKU (one SKU to rule them all)…

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Frank Lennon

How picking an MVNO affects your IoT device battery life

An MVNO selection increases the system latency and impacts device battery life. In a battery…

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Frank Lennon

Understanding the difference between MVNO and MNO

MVNO and MNO play crucial roles in providing mobile services to consumers, but they operate…

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Frank Lennon

Why Cat1.bis is so popular for new hardware designs.

Recently a “subtle but significant” new cellular technology option has become available called LTE Cat1.bis…

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Frank Lennon

Navigating the Complexities of LTE IoT Standards for Your Deployment.

Crafting an IoT device for widespread implementation brings forth a myriad of challenges, chief among…

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What’s going on with RedCap?

Cellular operators around the globe are racing to implement 5G networks to meet the demand…

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